Facies Development in the Permian Petchabun Basin/Central Thailand

Altermann, Wladyslaw


The present book describes the Permo-Carboniferous sedimentary and volcanic facies development in Thailand. Due to detailed descriptions it may serve as a geological field guide. It is mainly a facies interpretation and paleogeographical reconstruction with references to the geology of adjacent areas in Thailand and SE Asia.
Wladyslaw Altermann was born 1954 in Poland. He studied from 1978 to 1983 geology at the Free University in Berlin. His master thesis, written in 1983, was on the Variscan molasse-type sediments in Central Thailand.
During his Ph.D. work he received a grant known as the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes" and also worked occasionally as a photogeologist in South America.
Since 1988 he has been working as a research assistant at the University of Stellenbosch in South Afria.


  1. Abstracts
  2. Zusammenfassung
  3. Preface
  4. Introduction
Part I: Facies development in the Permian Petchabun Basin, Central Thailand
  1. Geology and stratigraphy of Northern and Central Thailand
    1. Plate tectonic discussion
  2. New research
    1. Saraburi-Pak Chong area
    2. Saraburi-Lop Buri area
    3. Saraburi-Lam Na Rai area
    4. Thuak Khao Sompot area
    5. Khok Samrong-Tak Fa area
    6. Phu Khao Samo Rat area
    7. Khao Khi Nok area
      1. Silicification processes
    8. Khao Yang Ta Po area
    9. Ban Sapsamothot area
    10. West of Nong Pai area
    11. Nong Pai-Chon Daen area
    12. Petchabun area
    13. The Petchabun Fold and Thrust Belt
      1. East of Lom Kao area
      2. Huai Nam Lao area (east of Petchabun)
      3. East of Nong Pai area
      4. East of Wichian Buri area
    14. Khao Tha Mon area
    15. West of Chum Phae area
    16. Wang Saphung area
    17. Loei area
      1. Loei-Dan Sai road
      2. Loei-Tha Li road
      3. Loei-Chiang Khan area
      4. West of Chiang Khan area
      5. East of Chiang Khan area
  3. Volcanic rocks
    1. XRF-Analysis and discussion
    2. Description of thin sections
  4. Upper Paleozoic facies development in Central Thailand
    1. Carbinferous
    2. Early Permian
    3. Middle Permian
    4. Late Permian
    5. Discussion
Part II: The pebbly mudstone facies in peninsular Thailand and western Malaysia
  1. Introduction
  2. Pebbly mudstones investigation
    1. Langkawi area
    2. Ko Pi Pi area
    3. Phuket area
    4. Khaeng Krachan area
  3. Facies description and discussion
  4. Conclusions and interpretation
  5. Last word
References Appendix
A) Fossil tabels
B) Log Profeles
C) Photograph plates

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