Music Archiving in the World

Papers Presented at the Conference on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv

Hg./Ed.: Berlin, Gabriele & Simon, Artur

This book contains articles by 66 authors who are concerned with the documentation and archival of music and dance. The contributions come from 31 countries from all over the world. In the first section of the book, general recent issues in sound archiving are discussed, such as the significance of archive recordings in modern societies and concepts behind the digitisation of historic sound recordings. The second part gives an insight into the unique qualities of regional and national music archives, not only in industrial metropolises but also in lesser-known places such as Cerreto di Spoleto in the Italian province of Umbria or Port Vila in the South Seas republic of Vanuatu.
The articles were presented as papers at the international conference held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv in September, 2000, in Berlin, Germany. One of the oldest music archives in existence, the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv currently contains the largest collections of music and musical instruments in the world. It was here that the scholarly discipline of comparative musicology, or ethnomusicology, originated about one hundred years ago. Because of its unique collections, the archive has been included in the UNESCO "Memory of the World" Register.

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